IEEE AP-S Young Professionals Webinar Series
IEEE AP-S Young Professionals is pleased to announce Webinar Series by AP-S YP Ambassadors.
YP Webinar Series Coordinators:
Dr. Cristina Yepes, TNO
Dr. Gaurangi Gupta, NASA JPL
Moderator: Dr. Gaurangi Gupta
Xuesong Cai
Talk: Dynamic Millimeter-Wave Channel Characterization: Design, Implementation and Measurements
Moderator: Dr. Gaurangi Gupta
Can Ding
Talk: Managing Interference in Antenna Collocation: Innovative Strategies for Enhanced Communication Performance
Moderator: Dr. Cristina Yepes
Yujie Zhang
Talk: Reconfigurable Intelligent Electromagnetics: From Antenna to Surface Design
Moderator: Dr. Cristina Yepes
Shanpu Shen
Talk: Multiport Rectenna Design for Ambient RF Energy Harvesting
Moderator: Dr. Gaurangi Gupta
Hai-Han Sun
Talk: Diving into the Subsurface: Unveiling Hidden Worlds through Ground-Penetrating Radar
Moderator: Dr. Gaurangi Gupta
Amit Kumar Singh
Talk: Metamaterial inspired high gain multibeam millimeter wave antennas
Moderator: Dr. Cristina Yepes
Lei Guo
Talk: RF Power Harvesting for Batteryless Wireless Sensing
RECORDING – Coming soon
Moderator: Dr. Cristina Yepes
Maria Garcia-Fernandez
Talk: UAV-mounted GPR-SAR systems: a key technology for detecting buried explosive threats
Moderator: Dr. Gaurangi Gupta
Li-Zhao Song
Talk: Advanced Conformal Transmitarray Antennas for 5G and Beyond Wireless Communications
Moderator: Dr. Cristina Yepes
Guillermo Álvarez-Narciandi
Talk: Handheld systems for radar imaging and antenna diagnosis and characterization
YP Webinar Series Coordinators:
Prof. Ashwin Iyer, University of Alberta
Dr. Cristina Yepes, Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA)
Chaoyun Song
«Advanced Antennas and Radio Frequency Engineering for Self-Sustaining Flexible and Stretchable Electronics»
Saptarishi Mukherjee
Adam Narbudowicz
Lecture 1: Securing IoT: Antennas as Padlocks, Propagation as a Key Dr. Adam Narbudowicz, Trinity College Dublin & Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Lecture 2: Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation: Breaking the Diffraction Limits Dr. Saptarishi Mukherjee, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Gaurangi Gupta
Sumitra Dey
Lecture 1: Innovative Antennas for Satellite Telecom, Radar Systems and Radio Telescope Dr. Gaurangi Gupta, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
Lecture 2: Plasmonic Nanoantenna Optimization for Enhanced Nanosensing: Leveraging Characteristic Mode Analysis Dr. Sumitra Dey, Amazon Lab126, Device and Connectivity Group, USA
Hui Li
Gangil Byun
Lecture 1: Theory of Characteristic Mode and its Application in Antenna Design Dr. Hui Li, Dalian University of Technology
Lecture 2: Recent Advances in Display-Integrated Millimeter Wave Antennas Dr. Gangil Byun, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
Hasan Abbas
Wei Fan
Lecture 1: Super-Resolution Imaging Using Plasmonics Beyond Optical Frequencies, Dr. Hasan Abbas, James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow
Lecture 2: Radio Chanel Sounding, Modelling and Emulation for 5G and Beyond Systems, Dr. Wei Fan, Aalborg University