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IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine

General Information for Contributors

The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine publishes feature articles and columns that describe engineering activities within its scope, taking place in industry, government, and universities. Emphasis is placed on providing the reader with a general understanding of either a particular subject or of the technical challenges being addressed by various organizations, as well as their capabilities to cope with these challenges. Review, tutorial, and historical articles are welcome, as are articles describing examples of good engineering. A detailed statement of the scope and field of interest of the Magazine is available in the society bylaws at

If a paper could be equally submitted to the Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (TAP), the Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL), or the Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation (OJAP), the paper may not work for the Antennas and Propagation Magazine, as it has a high likelihood of being out of scope. We especially encourage articles written specifically for the Magazine and are accessible and understandable to readers who may be working in many different fields. It is highly encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief or column editor prior to submission to discuss the potential paper and whether it fits within APM's scope. The Editor-in-Chief may also give the authors suggestions on how a paper could better fit into APM's scope and have a higher rate of success in proceeding into the review process. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to accept, reject, and/or edit any and all material submitted.

Review and Tutorial Papers

All review and tutorial papers must have a pre-approved proposal by the Editor-in-Chief prior to submission: link to proposal form.

As we would like a variety of topics to be presented in the Magazine, a proposal will be more successful if it is not similar to a review or tutorial topic we have covered in the past. Previous topics published recently include:

  • Wearable textile antennas
  • Deep space stations
  • MIMO dielectric resonator antennas
  • Optically transparent antennas
  • Injection-locked photonic oscillators
  • Filtennas
  • SIW power dividers
  • Rectennas


Some columns are open for outside submissions (more details below). Please select the appropriate manuscript type when submitting. If that manuscript type is not available for selection in ScholarOne, then that column is not accepting outside submissions for now. However, you are welcome to contact the Associate Editor of closed columns with potential article ideas.

All articles for technical columns should follow the guidelines for feature papers. Articles for non-technical columns should have a maximum of 5 one-column pages and a maximum of 5 photos, though we welcome additional multimedia included as supplementary material.

For specific questions regarding columns, please contact the Associate Editor for that particular column.

AP-S Committees and Activities

This non-technical column is a space for those in the Antennas and Propagation Society to disseminate information to the Magazine's readers regarding activities that take place within the society and for Adcom committees to provide updates on ongoing committee activities. These can include meeting and conference reports as well. All reports must be directly related to the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. If the report is about a specific AP-S committee (including conference and meeting reports related to the committee), the report would need to be approved and submitted from a committee chair.

Each report is limited to a maximum of 2 one-column pages and should be submitted to ScholarOne, using the manuscript type "Column - APS Committees and Activities”. A maximum of 2 photos are allowed on the main report. Additional photos and other multimedia can be included as supplementary material and would be connected to the published report via QR code. Please send supplementary material as a separate file or ZIP folder.

A report can be submitted at any time and will be published in the next available issue. If there is a specific issue that a report should appear in, then that report should be sent at least 3 full months before the issue is published (example: a report for the June issue should be submitted before March). There will be a maximum of 5 reports allowed per column per issue, accepted based on date of submission. However, if a committee or specific activity has had a report published in one issue, their next report will be published only once all others that have submitted reports in the queue have been published.


This is a technical column that welcomes articles on biomedical applications of electromagnetics, antennas, and propagation in terms of research, education, outreach, and more.

Book Reviews

If you are an author with a book that would be of interest to the antennas and propagation community and would like to have a book reviewed in the AP Magazine, please contact both the Editorial Assistant and the Book Review column editor with the title of book, the publisher, and the name and email address for the publisher point-of-contact. If the column editor does proceed with the review of your book, please note that it may take some time to find a qualified reviewer and for us to receive the completed review.

Education Corner

This is a non-technical column intended to provide impactful and effective techniques, discussions, and methodologies within the educational context in the field of Antennas and Propagation. They should be written in language that is understandable to readers working in other disciplines. All Education Corner articles must have a pre-approved proposal before submission. Please refer to the proposal form instructions for further information. Proposals can be sent as a Word file or using the fillable PDF form. Submissions to the Education Corner that are not pre-approved may be rejected automatically. When submitting the manuscript, please make sure to note in your cover letter the date of approval and include the approved proposal in your manuscript files.

Electromagnetic Perspectives

This is a technical column that would like articles on electromagnetics topics that should ideally include the following features:

  • historical contextualization,
  • maximal simplification (without comprising accuracy),
  • pedagogical creativity, and
  • first-principle methodology.

Contributions on topics outside the typical activity areas of the Antennas and Propagation Society are particularly welcome.

EM Programmer’s Notebook

This is a technical column that focuses on methods/aspects of electromagnetic (EM) field modelling; and/or interesting, relevant, practically useful insights into EM modelling. Contributions should be within the context of applicability to antennas and propagation. Substantial novelty is not a hard requirement, but added value in the presentation of methods, tools and/or insights is.

Historically Speaking

This is a non-technical column that promotes matters of historical interest and relevance to electromagnetics and antennas and propagation in the field of interest of the Society. In addition, it will occasionally report activities of the Antennas & Propagation History Committee. It welcomes contributions on the historical heritage of this Society as well as major past discoveries or inventions. These contributions may involve topics of potential interest for existing or potential IEEE Milestones, events sponsored by the AP History Committee, as well as individuals who made major contributions to to the field. Opinions pieces of historical interest are welcome also.

Industry Activities

This is a non-technical column that presents a wide range of topics and articles related to the Antennas and Propagation industry, including interviews with technology company executives and founders and articles on important historical developments to advance industry, manufacturing especially from prototypes to commercial products, profiles on local companies on a global scale, and collaboration between industry and academia. More details can be found here.

Meetings & Symposia and Short Courses

Please feel free to contact our Meetings & Symposia and Short Courses column editor for meetings, symposia, and courses that would be of interest to the antennas and propagation community. Not only are these published in the magazine, they are also included on our website ( Please note that if there are paper submission or registration deadlines, the Magazine is often working 3 months ahead of time. Please also make sure to let the column editor know as soon as possible if there are any changes to the information provided to him, so that we can ensure we have the most up-to-date information for our readers as possible.

Special Issues

If you are interested in guest editing a special issue or special series for possible publication in the AP Magazine, please contact the Editor-in-Chief, for more information on special issue guidelines. You are also welcome to send us a proposal form with your ideas.

As we would like a variety of topics to be presented in the Magazine, a proposal will be more successful if it is not similar to a special issue topic we have covered in the past. Previous topics published in the last 5 years include:

  • Ultrawideband Antennas
  • Satellite Antennas
  • EM Education
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Quantum Technologies
  • EM Imaging for Food
  • Characteristic Modes
  • EM Metasurfaces

Paper Writing Style and Guidelines

Contributions to the IEEE Antennas and Propagation magazine are only accepted through the ScholarOne Manuscripts web-based system at

All manuscripts should be in English. The main body of the paper (published both in paper and online) should have a writing style understandable to the average reader in the Antennas and Propagation Society including those doing research outside the field of expertise of the manuscript. It should have a preferred length of 10 one-column pages or less and it must not exceed 14 one-column pages. Papers that are over 14 pages in length may result in automatic rejection. Papers must use the one-column IEEE AP Magazine template, which can be found using the IEEE Template Selector ( PDF format is preferred, though Microsoft Word documents (.doc, .docx) are allowed.

Long technical developments and equations should be kept to a minimal amount and a preference should be instead given to qualitative descriptions, figures, diagrams, and graphs for delineating concepts and relationships.

All papers submitted to the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine should not be simultaneously submitted to any other publications until a final decision (acceptance or rejection) has been made (the only exception being announcements). If we determine that the paper or a significant portion of the paper was submitted to another publication at the same time or during the revision process, that may be grounds for automatic rejection and reporting to IEEE.

Supplementary Material

We encourage supplementary material (published only online on IEEE Xplore) to be included, which contain extra sections that could be, when needed, more technical in nature. These sections could contain mathematical developments, extra experiments, multimedia, and more specialized content addressing those interested in going deeper in the topic of the paper. We are especially interested in video abstracts and other similar multimedia related to your paper. There is no page limit for the supplementary material part. If your paper is published, the supplementary material would be linked to the printed Magazine via QR code for ease of reader access. If supplementary material is included with the manuscript, please note it in the cover letter, clearly name the supplementary file, and include a Word file labeled “Multimedia ReadMe” containing the following information:

  • Description: A general description of the process, data, etc., that the files are presenting
  • Size: The total size of all the files, in MB (up to two decimal places)
  • Player Information: A list of the software programs that are needed to properly display or play any multimedia files
  • Packing List: A list of all the individual files included in the package (a “checklist”)
  • Contact Information: John Smith, University of XYZ, City, State, Country, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Meeting Reports

We are now including all meeting and conference reports in the AP-S Committees and Activities column. Please use the guidelines for that column in the formatting of your report. Please note that a photo cannot have multiple photos contained within it. Additional photos can be included as a separate PDF as supplementary material. All meetings and conferences must have been sponsored directly by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.


Calls for Papers or other announcements should be only 1 page, and the event should be sponsored by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society unless otherwise arranged beforehand. Please be aware if you have submission deadlines that we work up to 3 months ahead of publication.


If you would like to advertise in the AP Magazine, we have two options:

  1. We have a free option for faculty positions, industry jobs, or postdoctoral or other temporary positions (if space permits). It is limited to text of up to 280 characters (spaces included), a high-resolution logo of your university/company, and a contact email or a link (of reasonable length) pointing to further information. Please send your advertisement and all accompanying files to the Editor-in-Chief (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and the Editorial Assistant (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  2. We have a paid option that has different prices for different sizes of ads, including full-page ones. If you are interested in this option, please contact our marketing team manager, Carlos Santana (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for more information. All paid ads that go through our marketing team are also listed on our website (


All papers submitted go through a series of administrative checks, including similarity matches to other academic/technical papers. Our threshold for both individual and total similarity matches is relatively low as we encourage novelty in submitted materials, and all significant matches must be cited. Large matches or failure to cite sources may result in automatic rejection and authors of these papers will be reported to IEEE.


IEEE DataPort is an IEEE data repository that is available to all IEEE members, IEEE authors, IEEE societies, and the global technical community. The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine enables our authors to have direct access to IEEE DataPort and the opportunity to store data as part of the article submission process. For more information, please see more information here or contact Melissa Handa at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


All IEEE publications require an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) for all authors in order to submit a manuscript or review a proof. ORCID is a persistent unique identifier for researchers and functions similarly to an article’s Digital Object Identifier (DOI). If you are a new user, you will be able to register a new ORCID or associate your ScholarOne account with an existing ORCID by following on-screen instructions in the Author Center. More information about ORCID can be found here "ORCID Info Page" along with Frequently Asked Questions "ORCID FAQ"

Submission of material will be interpreted as assignment and release of copyright and any and all other rights as if the standard IEEE Copyright and US Export Control Compliance Forms had been signed by the copyright owner. Once a paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to complete an electronic IEEE copyright form after submitting final files. This transfers ownership of the article to IEEE. If a paper is not accepted for publication, the author is free to submit elsewhere.

Page Charges

There are no page charges to be published in the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. Each article is published in full color in the print magazine and on IEEE Xplore. Because there are no page charges, free reprints are not provided.

Time to Publication

The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine only publishes a limited number of feature papers and usually only one paper per column per issue. Once accepted for publication, the paper will be placed in the publication queue. Feature articles and columns will generally be published in the order of submission and acceptance. Feature articles accepted as part of a special issue will be published all together in that issue.

Due to the magazine’s specific publication schedule, the limited space per issue, and other factors, there may be some delay from the time a paper is accepted to when it is published. Accepted feature papers will be published online on IEEE Xplore Early Access as soon as possible after acceptance. Columns are only available on IEEE Xplore after they have been published in an issue.

For your reference, here are some of the recent statistics for the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine:

Average times from submission to decision (in months):

1st Decision 3.5 2
2nd Decision 3 1.5
3rd+ Decision 2.5 1.5

Number of column-specific manuscripts currently in the publication queue and the magazine issue your paper would be published in if it were accepted today. Please note that the number of manuscripts only include papers that have currently been accepted and do not include manuscripts that are currently in the review process.

Column Name# of Manuscripts in publication queueIf your paper got accepted today, publication issue would be:
Education Corner 1 February 2025
Historically Speaking 0 December 2024
Industry Activities 0 December 2024
Measurements Corner 0 December 2024


The opinions, statements, and facts contained in the magazine are solely the opinions of the authors and/or sources identified with each contribution. All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners, whether or not specifically identified as such. IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying. For more information visit
